Marilyn Monroe, the beautiful muse of Montblanc

marilyn monroe montblanc new beatifull muse

Montblanc has marked a new and spectacular trend in the writing environment. This is Montblanc Muses Edition, a fantastic collection of writing instruments for women that pays homage to the ultimate in femininity.

The elegance and the beauty. On this occasion, a new muse is added to the tribute.

Marilyn Monroe, beauty for Montblanc

The writing elements for women that Montblanc has presented are characterized by expressing the irresistible aura, elegance and legendary beauty of the most renowned women of the twentieth century and who have been and continue to be idolized and turned into true cultural icons.

On this occasion, the last muse that Montblanc has added is Marilyn Monroe, the ultimate expression of glamor. Eternal and truly unrepeatable, Marilyn has marked a before and after in the cinema and has become one of the most important cultural icons in history.

More than 30 were the films that have seen this beautiful and wonderful actress and singer shine. Even the unique features of his voice and images have been burned into the collective memory of his contemporary generations, as well as those that would follow, amazed by his filmography.

If there is something to be acknowledged about this impressive woman, it has to do with the fact that it was always someone who had much more to offer than she tended to think publicly. She was a woman of great intelligence, full of professional ambitions and cultivated.

montblanc muses marilyn monroe special edition

A special edition out of the ordinary

The new Montblanc Muses Marilyn Monroe Special Edition collection includes a ballpoint pen, a fountain pen and a Rollerball. In itself, the entire collection seeks to pay homage to this incomparable artist, referring to the most iconic of herself.

It has details worthy of the muse, Marilyn’s famous four-inch heels, which became his personal badge. At the same time, these elements have a deep red color on their surface, just like the color of lipstick that was so characteristic in it. But if that were not enough, the glamor of these writing elements is seen through the golden champagne color details, which represent all the elegance and style that distinguished her.

But that is not all. In addition, the portrait of Marilyn engraved on the nib and covered in that same gold champagne color stands out in this collection. And, to highlight also what has been one of its most outstanding characteristics, its femininity, Montblanc presents for the first time a hole with a heart shape in the pen.

Monroe has been one of the most important icons in the history of cinema, modeling, music and culture in general. For this, Montblanc decides to make his products a tribute that will remain in the history of the firm.